Visit our live location in Reno Nevada and experience the RORN Collective Gym. Join our community and learn about the key to your success with a motivating culture.
Take advantage of this special trial offer now:
- Go Total Human Classes (Martial Arts Workout & Kickboxing)
- Taekwon-Do
- Kickboxing/Muay-Thai/Boxing
- Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Self-Defense
- Kung Fu
- Gymnastics
- Athletic Training
- Health, Mindset & Community
Get started and you will experience it all.
*Your 1 Class Trial Assessment expires 30 days from purchase.
I hereby apply to participate in RORN Collective / Go Total Human. If I am accepted, I pledge to obey all rules and regulations which are set up for the purpose of maintaining order and protecting students from injury. I recognize the necessity of my adherence to rules due to the risk involved in fitness and Martial Arts training. I understand that training at RORN Collective / Go Total Human involves strenuous physical exercise, therefore I have submitted details of any physical conditions I may have which would render me unable to participate or continue in this activity. In consideration of accepting my application, I hereby release RORN Collective / Go Total Human, all instructors, facility owners, and authorized guests from all responsibility for, and from all claims due to any injuries I may receive while on the way to practice, during practice, and on the way from practice, whether held at RORN Collective / Go Total Human or other locations. The parent or guardian of the applicant hereby requests that this application be accepted, and in consideration thereof agree to indemnify all instructors, facility owners, and authorized guests including National and International governing bodies from all claims made by, or on behalf of the applicant for the aforesaid consideration. (Note) RORN Collective / Go Total Human may refuse instruction. In consideration for my participation in this facility’s classes, I, the member acknowledge the existence of certain inherent risks in this type of training and hereby agree to assume all risks. I further relieve the facility, RORN Collective / Go Total Human LLC It's management, assigned staff, and fellow members from any liability resulting from personal injury or loss of personal belongings. I also hereby state that the members named above are physically fit to take the prescribed course of instruction and do so of my one free will and my executing this release is a condition to my participation in any on or off-line class. I also agree that, while I am at the facility, you may photograph, videotape, or otherwise record me and use such photographs or recordings to promote the facility and RORN Collective / Go Total Human business, including brochures, on websites, Social Media or by displaying the same at the facility or other locations. I acknowledge I have been advised that wearing only socks on my feet during a class creates slip and fall risk and that I should be barefoot during a class.